GLK County Camp – Growing Up Wild – In an emergency
GLK organised a very successful overnight camp on May 9th to 10th at the Cudham Shaws site, based on the LaSER resource Growing up Wild in an Emergency.
More than 150 participants including Brownies aged nine and over, Guides, Senior Section and Leaders learning the following: resuscitation, first aid, cooking on a Trangia, navigating by the stars, how to use a compass, shelter building, managing an emergency, self-defence and how to plan an overnight hike. The event finished with sausage and chips and a campfire.
The event definitely achieved its aims of allowing members without a residential qualification to take their members away; giving Brownies a chance to camp and, above all, using Growing up Wild to create an event that allowed the members to make the most of the outside.
It was wonderful to see the girls running up and down the slopes in the sunshine. If you haven’t looked at Growing up Wild yet – do so as soon as possible by clicking HERE.

Oops! Basic first aid

Making a den

Constellations from marshmallows and kebab sticks

Resusie annies

Making a cuppa soup on trangias